iQera liquidity stenghtened by a 31.7 million loan

Communiqués de presse 4 Aug. 2020

iQera Group (the “Group”) announces that it has strengthened its financial structure with a €31.7 million loan that is 90% guaranteed by the French state.

Paris, August 4, 2020: Louvre Bidco S.A.S., a holding company for the Group, was provided with unsecured term loans falling within the scope of the French state’s Prêt Garanti par l’État (PGE) through facilities provided by four banks, Banque Populaire Rives de Paris, BNP Paribas, BRED Banque Populaire and Société Générale. The term loans have an initial maturity of one year, with an extension option of up to five additional years. The loans will be remunerated on terms customary for French state guaranteed loans, including a guarantee fee of 0.50% for the first year, and thereafter set in accordance with the French state guaranteed loan regulations, depending on the length for which the maturity is extended by the borrower.


About iQera Group
French leader in management & debt repurchase, iQera helps large companies and financial institutions at every stage of the client financial cycle by combining human and artificial intelligence. The group puts the customer experience at the heart of its strategy to create the difference and meet the challenges of transforming the Finance, Credit and Customer Relations functions. More globally, iQera aims to activate new levers for growth, empowerment and relationships that are both agile and sustainable for all its stakeholders. The group, present on 16 sites worldwide, has 2180 employees and generated 271 million in cash income (December 2019 LTM).

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